Encouraging Bible Content
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Life-changing lessons from the Scripture!
Be With Us for our Worship Services and Bible Classes
God's Word is faithfully proclaimed in the live sermons each Sunday. Our preachers, Jerry Joseph, and Matt Stewart along with two of our deacons, Joe Leibner, and JC Owens usually preach during the month. Joey Suter, one of our Elders, usually preaches every 5th Sunday morning and our young men lead the 5th Sunday PM service.
We hope you will be able to be with us every Sunday and be encouraged by the messages not only in the Worship service but also in our many Bible classes that are available to all ages. Also, we have Bible classes on Wednesday night.
Can't make it? No problem, our Worship services on Sunday and the Adult Auditorium Bible class on Sunday morning and Wednesday Evening are broadcast live at www.YouTube.com/stpeterschurchofchrist on YouTube. Also, they can be viewed on Facebook. The sermons and Adult Auditorium Bible classes are archived at the YouTube address above for you to view. -Jerry Joseph (STPCOC) 2024/02/03